icao iata company callsign country
AAQ 3J Air Alliance Liaison Canada


Airline was founded as independent regional carrier in Quebec and started operations in 1988. Since 1992, some of its fleet has been transferred to Air Nova. Airline merged with Air Nova in 1999 and operated exclusively as Air Canada regional feeder. Air Nova has been transformed into Air Canada Regional brand in 2001 and subsequently Air Canada Jazz. Air Georgian (Toronto based FBO) operated regional flights on behalf of Air Canada under Air Alliance brand until 2011.

founded - demised (age)

January 1 1987 - 1999  (12)


6th Ave. Quebec City Airport, Ste Foy, Quebec


base airports

CYQB Jean Lesage International Québec City
CYUL Pierre Elliott Trudeau Montreal

related operators

Air Georgian successor
Liaison Air Canada Connector contract
Air Nova sister co.

current /stored fleet (0)

on order (0)

written off (0)

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