icao iata company callsign country
SHA SH SAHSA Sahsa Honduras
Servicio Aereo De Honduras S.A.


National airline of Honduras was founded in 1945 with the help of Pan American World Airways. Operations commenced using Douglas DC-2 and DC-3 aircraft. Pan Am sold its stake in company in 1970. In October 1974 SAHSA received its first pure jet a Boeing 737-200. SAHSA served destinations in Central America as well as Miami and New Orleans in the USA. Oswaldo López Arellano, a dictator who ruled Honduras between 1963 and 1975, owned SAHSA and its rival TAN airlines. Both airlines merged in 1990 to form TAN-SAHSA airlines. This company operated until 1994 when it became bankrupt.

founded - demised (age)

January 2 1945 - January 14 1994  (49)


, Tegucigalpa


base airports

MHTG Toncontín Tegucigalpa Hub

related operators

TAN airlines merged 1991
Pan American World Airways 40% stake co-founder
ANHSA acquired 1953
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